Legal notices


This site,, is the property of the Hôtel du Perier du Bignon, a limited liability company registered under number 514 302 058, having its head office at:

Hôtel Perier du Bignon
7 rue du Marchis
53 000 LAVAL
Tel: +33 (0)2 43 49 90 00

Publication Director

Publication Director of the site
Mr. Perret, manager of the Hôtel du Perier du Bignon


The site is hosted by the company:
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix – France

Personal data


Personal data collected by the Hôtel du Perier du Bignon will only be used in respect of the company’s purpose. This data will not be communicated to parties outside the company without express permission.
In accordance with article 34 of the Data Protection act of 6 January 1978, amended by the act of 6 August 2004, all users of have the right to access, modify, correct and permanently delete personal data concerning them. Requests should be sent by post together with a photocopy of identification papers to the head office of the Hôtel du Perier du Bignon, 7 Rue du Marchis, 53000 LAVAL.


The site makes use of cookies to enable browsing in certain parts of the site. This data is anonymous. Under no circumstances will the cookies used be employed to fraudulently collect personal information.

Intellectual property


All the contents of the site are subject to current French and international laws regarding intellectual property (copyright, brand rights, database rights, etc.).

Any total or partial reproduction or representation of this site, using any process, is only permitted in view of strictly private use. Any other use is prohibited unless the Hôtel du Perier du Bignon gives its express prior permission.


The site was designed by the company
Studio Version 2
97, boulevard Félix Grat
53000 LAVAL
Tel: +33 (0)2 43 53 80 44
Fax: +33 (0)2 43 49 22 11

Creation of links to

The creation of hypertext links (simple or complex) to the site is subject to the prior express written consent of the Hôtel du Perier du Bignon.

External links – links to other websites

The website may contain hypertext links to other sites. We make no undertakings as regards these sites; the Hôtel du Perier du Bignon can under no circumstances be held responsible for their content, operation or availability.